تفسير الا مام العسكري(عليه السلام)

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1 تفسير الا مام العسكري(عليه السلام) COMMENTARY OF IMAM AL ASKARI asws التفسير المنسوب إلى الامام ابي محمد الحسن بن علي العسكري (عليهم السلام) COMMENTARY ASSOCIATED TO THE IMAM ABU MUHAMMAD AL HASSAN BIN ALI AL ASKARI asws (Translated by Hub-e-Ali asws Team) 1 out of 63

2 بسم االله الرحمن الرحيم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL بس م االله ال رحمن الرحيمالحم د الله رب العالمينوص لى االله عل ى س يدنا محم د وا ل ه الط اهرين وسلم تسليما آثيرا. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Worlds and Salutations be on our Master Muhammad saww and his saww purified Progeny asws and plenty of greetings on them asws. أما بعد قال محمد بن على بن محمد بن جعفر بن دقاق: ح دثني الش يخان الفقيه ان: أبوالحس ن محمد بن أحمد بن علي بن الحسن بن شاذان وأبومحمد جعفر بن أحمد بن علي القمي (ره) قالا: حدثنا الشيخ الفقيه أبوجعفر محم د ب ن عل ي ب ن الحس ين ب ن موس ى ب ن بابوي ه القم ي (ره) ق ال: أخبرن ا أبوالحس ن محم د ب ن القاس م المفس ر الاس تراباذي الخطي ب (ره) ق ال: ح دثني أبويعق وب يوسف بن محمد بن زياد وأبوالحسن علي بن محمد بن سيار وآانا من الشيعة الامامي ة ق الا: آ ان أبوان ا إم اميين وآان ت الزيدي ة ه م الغ البون با س تراباذ وآن ا ف ي إم ارة الحس ن ب ن زي د العلوي الملقب بالداعي إلى الحق إمام الزيدية وآان آثير الاصغاء إليهم يقتل الناس بسعاياتهم فخشينا على أنفسنا فخرجنا با هلينا إلى حضرة الامام أبي محمد الحسن ب ن عل ي ب ن محم د أب ي القاي م (عليهم السلام) فا نزلنا عيالاتنا في بعض الخانات ثم استا ذنا على الامام الحسن ب ن عل ي (عليهم ا الس لام) فلم ا را ن ا ق ال: مرحب ا ب الا وين إلين ا الملتجي ين إل ى آنفن ا ق د تقب ل االله تع الى سعيكما وا من روعكما وآفا آما أعداء آما فانصرفا ا منين على أنفسكما وأموالكما. After this So said Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Ja'far Bin Daqaaq that it has been related to him from the following Jurists Sheykhs: Abu Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Bin Al Hassan Bin Shazaan and Abu Muhammad Ja'far Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al Qummi ra who said that it has been narrated from the Jurist Sheykh Abu Ja'far Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Al Husayn Bin Musa Bin Babuwayh Al Qummi ra who said that he has been informed by Abi Al Hassan Muhammad Bin Al Qasim Al Mufassir Al Astrabadi Al Khateeb ra who said that he has been informed by Abu Yaqoub Yusuf Bin Muhammad Bin Ziyad and Ab Al Hassan Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Sayaar and he was from the Shiites of the Imams asws who said that both their fathers were of the Imamite sect and they had overcome both the Zaydiya and Astrabadi sects and had a reputation and Hassan Bin Zayd who was the 'Caller to the Truth' Imam of the Zaydis was the governor. He normally used to listen to the Zaydites and used to have people killed by the information provided by the 2 out of 63

3 spies. We feared for our and our families' lives and so we left to go to the Imam Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Ali Abu Muhammad Al Qaim asws, We kept our families at some places, then we went to seek the Imam Al Hassan asws Bin Ali asws who saw us and said: Congratulations to you who have sought refuge in us asws and seek guidance from us asws! Allah azwj has Accepted your striving and has converted your situation from that of fear to that of peace and removed your enemies from your heads, and there is safety for yourselves and your possessions.' فعجبنا من قوله ذلك لنا مع أنا لم نشك في صدق مقاله. فقلنا: فماذا تا مرنا أيها الام ام أن نص نع في طريقنا إلى أن ننتهي إلى بلد خرجنا من هناك وآي ف ن دخل ذل ك البل د ومن ه هربن ا وطل ب سلطان البلد لنا حثيث ووعيده إيانا شديد! فقال (عليه السلام): خلفا علي ولديكما هذين لافي دهما العلم الذي يشر فهما االله تعالى به ثم لا تحفلا بالسعاة ولابو عيد المسعى إليه فان االله عزوجل (يقصم السعاة) ويلجي هم إلى شفاعتكم فيهم عند من قد هربتم منه. We were surprised to hear this talk for us, and we had no doubt on the truthfulness of his asws speech. We said: 'O Imam asws! Are you ordering us that we should go back on the same road that we have come from to the same city that we came out from? And how will we enter that city and they are at war with us? And the governor has issued vigorous and severe warnings to us?' The Imam asws said to our fathers: 'Leave behind these two sons of yours so that I may enrich them with such knowledge that Allah azwj will Make them known by it, then do not fear the spying of the informants and the punishments of the governor, for Allah azwj the Almighty will Overturn them such that they will come to you for intercession and help.' قال أبويعق وب وأبوالحس ن: ف اتمرا لم ا أم را و ق د خرج ا وخلفان ا هن اك وآن ا نختل ف إلي ه فيتلقانا ببر الا ب اء وذوي الارح ام الماس ة. فق ال لن ا ذات ي وم: إذا أتاآم ا خب ر آفاي ة االله عزوج ل أبويكما وإخزاي ه أعداءهما وصدق وعدي إياهما جعلت من شكر االله عزوجل أن أفيد آما تفسير القرا ن مشتملا على بعض أخبار ا ل محمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) فيعظم االله تعالى بذلك شا نكما. Abu Yaqoub abd Abu Al Hassan said: 'Our fathers obeyed the order and left us behind while they both left to go back to their city and there was disagreement between them. When they had left, we used to present ourselves to the Imam asws and he asws used to behave with us like a father and grandfather would behave towards their children. One day he asws said to us: 'When you receive the news that your fathers are safe from their enemies by Allah azwj the Almighty, and that my asws promise to your fathers has come true, I will thank Allah azwj the Almighty by teaching you the commentary of the Quran by some reports of the progeny of Muhammad saww and as a result of which Allah azwj the High will increase your reputation to greatness by it.' 3 out of 63

4 ق الا: ففرحن ا وقلن ا: ي ابن رس ول االله ف اذا ن ا تي (عل ى جمي ع) عل وم الق را ن ومعاني ه ق ال (علي ه السلام): آلا إن الصادق (عليه السلام) علم ما أريد أن أعلمكما بعض أصحابه فف رح ب ذلك وقال: يابن رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) قد جمعت علم القرا ن آله فق ال (علي ه الس لام): ق د جمعت خيرا آثيرا وأوتيت فضلا واسعا لكنه مع ذلك أقل قلي ل م ن أج زاء عل م الق را ن إن االله عزوجل يقول: " قل لو آان البحر مدادا لكمات ربى لنفد البحر قبل أن تنفد آلمات ربى ول و جي نا بمثله مددا " We were happy to hear that and said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah saww! So we will get all the knowledge of the Quran and its meanings?' He asws said: 'Never! Whatever I am going to teach you is what Al Sadiq asws taught to one of his asws companions and he was happy with that and said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah saww! So I have now become the recipient of the whole of the Quran?' He asws replied: 'You have collected a lot of good, and extensive grace, but so little of the parts of its knowledge, for Allah azwj the Almighty Says: "Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be consumed before the words of my Lord are exhausted, though We were to bring the like of that (sea) to add 18:109". ويقول: " ولو أنما في الارض من شجرة أقلام والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر ما نفدت آلمات االله " وهذا علم القرا ن ومعانيه وما أودع من عجاي به فكم ترى مقدار ما أخذته من جميع ه ذا القرا ن ولكن القدر الذي أخذته قد فضلك االله تعالى ب ه عل ى آ ل م ن لا يعل م آعلم ك ولا يفه م آفهمك. And He azwj Says: "And were every tree that is in the earth (made into) pens and the sea (to supply it with ink), with seven more seas to increase it, the words of Allah azwj would not come to an end 31:27" And this the knowledge of the Quran and its meanings and extensiveness, see for yourself what you have taken from the whole of the Quran. But what little you have taken, Allah azwj the High has Given you preference over that person who does not know what you do and his understanding is not like yours.' قالا: فلم نبرح من عنده حتى جاءنا فيج قاصد من عند أبوينا بكتاب يذآر فيه أن الحسن بن زيد العلوي قتل رجلا بسعاية أولي ك الزيدي ة واستص فى مال ه ث م أتت ه الكت ب م ن الن واحي والاقط ار المشتملة على خطوط الزيدية بالعدل الشديد والتوبيخ العظيم يذآر فيها أن ذلك المقتول آان من أفضل زيدي عل ى ظه ر الارض وأن الس عاة قص دوه لفض له وثروت ه. فتنك ر له م وأم ر بقط ع ا ن افهم وا ذانه م وأن بعض هم ق د مث ل ب ه ل ذلك وا خ رين ق د هرب وا. وأن العل وي ن دم واس تغفر وتصدق بالاموال الجليلة بعد أن رد أم وال ذل ك المقت ول عل ى ورثت ه وب ذل له م أض عاف دي ة وليهم المقتول واستحلهم. The two narrators said: 'We were sitting in the presence of the Imam asws when a messenger came with a letter from our fathers with the message that Hassan Bin zayd ordered a man to be killed by the information from the Zaydi informants, and confiscated all his wealth in which they have found certain 4 out of 63

5 writings in which curses had been written on them and on the governor, and that the killed person was a well known person from among the informants and prestigious among them. The governor therefore ordered the cutting off of their noses and ears and others fled the city. The governor became regretful of his actions and repented and gave a lot of wealth in charity and returned the confiscated wealth of the killed person to his inheritors and gave them blood money.' فقالوا: أما الدية فقد أحللناك منه ا وأم ا ال دم فل س إلين ا إنم ا ه و إل ى المقت ول واالله الح اآم. وأن العلوي نذر الله عزوجل أن لا يع رض للن اس ف ي م ذاهبهم. وف ى آت اب أبويهم ا: أن ال داعي إل ى الحق الحسن بن زيد " قد أرسل إلينا ببعض ثقاته بكتابه وخاتم ه وأمان ه وض من لن ا رد أموالن ا وجبر النقص الذي لحقنا فيها وأنا صاي ران إلى البلد ومتنجزان ما وعدنا. They said that: 'We forgive you the blood money, but the killing is not for us to forgive for it is up to the killed one, and Allah azwj is the Judge'. The governor then took a vow with Allah azwj the Almighty that he will never interfere with people in their sects. And he then wrote to our fathers that the 'caller to the truth' Hassan Bin Zayd has sent a message to us via his confidant with his seal guaranteeing our safety, and takes the responsibility of returning all our previously confiscated wealth, and so we are returning to our city and will request him to keep his promise. فق ال الام ام (علي ه الس لام): إن وع د االله ح ق. فلم ا آ ان الي وم العاش ر جاءن ا آت اب أبوين ا: أن ال داعي إل ى الح ق ق د وف ى لن ا بجمي ع عدات ه وأمرن ا بملازم ة الام ام العظ يم البرآ ة الص ادق الوعد. The Holy Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said: 'The Promise of Allah azwj is True.' Ten days later we received another letter from our fathers stating that 'the caller to the truth' has kept all his promises and ordered us to serve the Imam asws of the great blessings, the true to his asws promise.' فلما سمع الامام (عليه السلام) بهذا قال: هذا حين إنجازي ما وعدتكما من تفس ير الق را ن ث م قال (عليه السلام) قد وظفت لكما آل يوم شيي ا من ه تكتبان ه فالزم اني وواظب ا عل ي ي وفر االله تعالى من السعادة حظوظكما. When the Imam asws heard about this he asws said: 'The time has come which I promised you for the teaching of the explanations of the Quran.' Then he asws said: 'Is it possible for you to come to me every day so that I can make you write something, and Allah azwj the most high will make you very happy for this?' 5 out of 63

6 فا ول ما أملى علينا أحاديث في فضل القرا ن وأهله ثم أمل ى علين ا التفس ير بع د ذل ك فكتبن ا ف ي مدة مقامنا عنده وذلك سبع سنين نكتب في آل يوم منه مقدار ما ننشط له. First and foremost he asws made us write some Hadeeth about the virtues of the Quran and its people (ahl). Then he asws made us write the explanations after that which we wrote whilst we were present there with him asws and that was for seven years. We used to write something from him asws every single day however much he asws made us write. فكان أول ما أملى علينا وآتبناه قال الامام (عليه السلام): The first thing that he made us write was this - The Imam asws said: 6 out of 63

7 فضل القرا ن VIRTUES OF THE QUR'AN 1 حدثني أبي علي بن محمد عن أبيه محمد بن علي عن أبيه علي بن موسى عن أبيه موسى بن جعفر عن أبيه جعفر بن محم د الص ادق ع ن أبي ه الب اقر محم د ب ن عل ي ع ن أبي ه عل ي ب ن الحسين زين العابدين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي سيد المستش هدين ع ن أبي ه أمي ر الم و منين وس يد الوصيين وخليف ة رس ول رب الع المين وف اروق الام ة وب اب مدين ة الحكم ة ووص ي رس ول الرحمة " علي بن أبي طالب " ص لوات االله عل يهم ع ن رس ول رب الع المين وس يد المرس لين وقاي د الغ ر المحجل ين والمخص وص با ش رف الش فاعات ف ي ي وم ال دين (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) أجمع ين ق ال: حمل ة الق را ن المخصوص ون برحم ة االله الملبس ون ن ور االله المعلم ون آ لام االله المقربون عند االله من والاهم فق د وال ى االله وم ن ع اداهم فق د ع ادى االله وي دفع االله ع ن مس تمع القرا ن بلوى الدنيا وعن قاري ه بلوى الا خرة. والذى نف س محم د بي ده لس امع ا ي ة م ن آت اب االله عزوجل وهو معتقد أن المورد له عن االله تعالى: محمد الصادق في آل أقواله الحكيم في آل أفعاله المودع ما أودعه االله تعالى: من علومه أمير المو منين عليا (عليه السلام) المعتقد للانقياد له فيما يا مر ويرسم أعظم أجرا من ثبير ذهب يتصدق به من لا يعتقد هذه الامور بل تك ون صدقته وبالا عليه. ولقارى ا ية من آتاب االله معتقدا لهذ ه الامور أفضل مما دون العرش إل ى أسفل التخوم يكون لمن لا يعتقد هذا الاعتقاد فيتصدق به بل ذلك آله وبال على هذا المتصدق به. ثم قال: أتدرون متي يتوفر على هذا المستمع وه ذا الق ارئ ه ذه المثوب ات العظيم ات إذا ل م يغل في القرا ن إنه آلام مجيد ولم يجف عنه ولم يستا آل به ولم يراء به. The Holy Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said: 'It has been narrated to me from my father Ali Bin Muhammad asws from his father Muhammad Bin Ali asws from his father Ali Bin Musa asws from his father Musa Bin Ja'far asws from his father Ja'far asws Bin Muhammad asws The Truthful from his father The Splitter of Knowledge Muhammad asws Bin Ali asws from his father Ali asws Bin Al Husayn asws Adornment of the Prostrators from his father Husayn asws the Master of the Martyrs from his father the Commander of the Faithful asws, the Chief of the Trustees, the Caliph of the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Differentiator of the Ummah and the Door of the City of Wisdom, and the Trustee of the Messenger of Mercy, Ali asws Ibn Abi Talib asws, from the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds and the Chief of the Messengers, the Guide of the Resplendent and the Exclusive Honourable Intercessor on the Day of Judgment saww said: 'The reciters of the Holy Quran are in the exclusive Mercy of Allah azwj, are clothed in the Light of Allah azwj, the teachers of the Quran asws are the near ones to Allah azwj, and whoever befriends them asws has befriended Allah azwj and whoever is inimical to them asws is inimical to Allah azwj, and keeps away the afflictions of the world from the attentive listeners of the Quran, and keeps away the afflictions of the hereafter from the reciters of the Quran. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad saww, the one who listens to one Verse from the Book of Allah azwj, and is firm in his belief in what has been revealed from Allah azwj to Muhammad saww to be true in all his saww statements and wise in all his saww actions, and whatever that was given to him saww was all handed over to the Commander of the Faithful Ali asws, and has 7 out of 63

8 belief that he asws is obedient to him saww in every order of his saww, then this person will get more reward than the one who donates a bag of gold in charity but does not hold this belief. The one who recites one Verse of the Quran whilst holding this belief, is better than the one who is the owner of all that is from beneath the Throne to the bottom of the earth and donates it all as charity in the way of Allah azwj but does not hold this belief. In fact, this charity of his will be an affliction for him.' Then he saww said: 'O people! Do you know when the reciter and the attentive listener of the Quran will get this great reward? This will be when they do not add anything from themselves to it, for this is a Glorious Word, nor do they hold back anything from it, nor do they eat (earn wages) from it, nor read it to show off.' وقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): عليكم بالقرا ن فانه الش فاء الن افع وال دواء المب ارك و عصمة لمن تمسك به ونجاة لمن تبعه لا يعوج فيقوم ولا يزيغ فيشعب ولا تنقض ي عجاي ب ه ولا يخلق على آثرة الرد. و اتلوه فان االله يا جرآم على تلاوته بكل حرف عشر حس نات أم ا إني لا أقول: " الم " عشر ولكن أقول " الالف " عشر و " اللام " عشر و " الميم " عشر. And the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'For you the Quran is a beneficial healer and a blessed medicine. For the one who associates himself with it and is obedient to it there is salvation, the one who does not pervert it and does not deviate from it, its wonders will not cease for him, and does not create numerous arguments. And recite it, for Allah azwj will give ten rewards for each of its words recited. This is not to say that for the recitation of 'Alif Laam Meem' there will be ten rewards, but there will be ten rewards for 'Alif', ten for 'Laam' and ten for Meem'. ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): أتدرون من المتمسك الذي (بتمس كه ين ال) ه ذا الش رف العظيم هو الذي أخذ القرا ن وتا ويله عنا أهل البيت أو عن وس اي طنا الس فراء عن ا إل ى ش يعتنا لاع ن ا راء المج ادلين وقي اس القاي س ين. فام ا م ن ق ال ف ي الق را ن برأي ه ف ان اتف ق ل ه مص ادفة صواب فقد جهل في أخذه عن غير أهله وآان آمن سلك طريقا مسبعا من غير حفاظ يحفظونه فان اتفقت له السلامة فهو لا يعدم من العقلاء والفضلاء ال ذم والع ذل والت وبيخ وإن اتف ق ل ه افتراس السبع له فقد جمع إلى هلاآه سقوطه عند الخي رين الفاض لين وعن د الع وام الج اهلين. وإن أخطا القاي ل في الق را ن برأي ه فق د تب وأ مقع ده م ن الن ار وآ ان مثل ه آمث ل م ن رآ ب بح را هاي جا بلا ملاح ولا سفينة صحيحة لا يسمع بهلاآه أحد إلا قال: هو أه ل لم ا لحق ه ومس تحق لما أصابه. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Do you know who are those that attach themselves to this great honour? These are the ones who take the Quran and its explanation from us asws the People of the Household asws or from those intermediaries (narrators of traditions) who are between us asws and our Shiites, and not from the disputers or those that indulge in analogies. And if someone speaks from the Quran by his opinion, and even if by coincidence turns out to be right, he will still be ignorant in that he took it from the wrong source. This is like the one who goes on a journey on a dangerous road without any protection and by mere coincidence arrives safely, he would still be condemned by the people of intellect, but if he gets devoured by dangerous animals then he would be condemned by the people 8 out of 63

9 of intellect as well as the ignorant common folk. If he were to make a mistake by his opinion in the Quran then he will have taken up residence in the Fire. His example is that of the one who sails in the ocean without a navigator, or the correct ship. There will be no one who hears the news of his death but will say that he was deserving of the destruction.' وقال (صلى االله علي ه وا ل ه): م ا أنع م االله عزوج ل عل ى عب د بع د الايم ان ب االله أفض ل م ن العل م بكتاب االله والمعرفة بتا ويله. ومن جعل االله له في ذلك حظا ثم ظن أن أحدا لم يفعل به ما فع ل به قد فضل عليه فقد حقر (نعم االله) عليه. And he saww said: 'There is no blessing that Allah azwj has Bestowed upon His servants after their faith which is higher that knowing the Book of Allah azwj and its explanation. And the one who has been fortunately blessed by Allah azwj, and then thinks that someone else is more fortunate than him, has degraded this Blessing of Allah azwj towards him.' 9 out of 63

10 فضل العالم بتا ويل القرا ن والعالم برحمته THE PREFERRENCE OF KNOWING THE INTERPRETATION OF THE QURAN AND KNOWING IT BY THEIR (A.S.) MERCY 2 وقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) في قوله تعالى: " يا أيها الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم وشفاء لما في الصدور وهدى ورحمة للمو منين قل بفضل االله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما And the Messenger of Allah saww said regarding the Words of Allah azwj - O men! There has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and a mercy for the believers Say: In the grace of Allah and in His mercy-- in that they should rejoice; it is better than that which they gather (10:57 8) " قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): " فضل االله عزوجل " القرا ن والعل م بتا ويل ه " توفيقه لموالاة محمد وا له الطيبين ومعاداة أعداي هم. ورحمت ه 'By the 'Grace' of Allah azwj is meant the Quran, and the Mercy referred to here is the Mastership (Wilayah) of Muhammad saww and his pious progeny asws, and being inimical to their asws enemies'. " ثم قال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): وآي ف لا يك ون ذل ك خي را مم ا يجمع ون وه و ثم ن الجنة ونعيمها فانه يكتسب بها رضوان االله تعالى الذي هو أفضل من الجنة ويستحق بها الك ون بحضرة محمد وا له الطيبين الذي هو أفضل من الجنة. و إن محمدا وا له الطيبين أشرف زينة في الجنان. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'And why should this not be better than all that the people gather together, for this is the price of Paradise and its bounties, for they have acquired with this the Pleasure of Allah azwj which is better than Paradise and is deserving of the universe in the presence of Muhammad saww and his pious Progeny asws and that is better than Paradise. Muhammad saww and his infallible Progeny are the honour of the Gardens of Paradise.' يجمعون ث م ق ال (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): يرف ع االله به ذا الق را ن والعل م بتا ويل ه وبموالاتن ا أه ل البيت والتبري من أعداي نا أقواما فيجعلهم في الخير قادة تقص ا ثارهم وترمق أعمالهم ويقتدى 10 out of 63

11 بفعالهم وترغب الملاي كة ف ي خل تهم وبا جنحته ا تمس حهم وف ي ص لواتها تب ارك عل يهم و تستغفر لهم حتى آل رطب ويابس يستغفر لهم حتى حيتان البحر وهو امه سباع الطير وسباع البر وأنعامه والسماء ونجومها. Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Allah azwj has elevated with this Quran and by its knowledge of explanation, and by the love of our Household asws and distancing from our enemies from some people, Allah azwj will bring good guides for them who will copy their asws actions and act upon them asws and the Angels will desire these (follower s) friendship and will touch them with their wings and will bless them in their felicitations, and every wet and dry thing will ask for their forgiveness, even the creatures of the sea and land, and even the sky and the stars.' 11 out of 63

12 ا داب قراءة القرا ن ETTIQUETTES OF READING THE QURAN 3 ثم قال الحسن أبومحمد الامام (عليه السلام): أما قوله الذي ندبك االله إليه وأمرك به عند قراءة القرا ن: " أعوذ باالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم Then the Imam Abu Muhammad Al Hassan asws said: 'The Words of Allah azwj that you have been Commanded to say before reading the Quran are I seek refuge with Allah azwj Who is the all Hearing, the all Knowing, (Who Protects) from the accursed Satan.' " فان أمير المو منين (عليه السلام) قال: إن قوله: " أعوذ باالله " أي أمتنع باالله " السميع " لمقال الاخيار والاشرار ولكل المسموعات من الاعلان والاسرار " For this the Commander of the Faithful asws said: 'The Words I seek refuge with Allah azwj who is the Hearing is that He azwj listens to every good and bad things, as well as all manifest and hidden things.' العليم " با فعال الابرار والفجار وبكل شي مما آ ان وم ايكون وم الا يك ون أن ل و آ ان آي ف آان يكو 'The Knowing' He azwj is the Knower of all good and bad acts of the past, present and the future. " م ن الش يطان ال رجيم " (والش يطان) ه و البعي د م ن آ ل خي ر " ال رجيم " المرج وم ب اللعن المطرود من بقاع الخير والاستعاذة هي م ما قد أمر االله به عباده عند قراءتهم القرا ن 'From the Castaway Satan' Satan is far from every good and is a castaway by the Curse and is being pelted away with stones from every good. This is the refuge that Allah azwj has Commanded to be sought for the reading of the Quran. 12 out of 63

13 فقال: " فاذا قرأت القرا ن فاستعذ باالله من الشيطان الرجيم * انه ليس له سلطان على الذين ا من وا وعلى ربهم يتوآل ون * انم ا س لطانه عل ى ال ذين يتولون ه وال ذين ه م ب ه مش رآون " وم ن ت ا دب با دب االله عزوجل أداه إلى الفلاج الداي م ومن استوصى بوصية االله آان له خير الدراين. Allah azwj Says: So when you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaitan, Surely he has no authority over those who believe and rely on their Lord. His authority is only over those who befriend him and those who associate others with Him. [16:98-100] And whoever follows these etiquettes, Allah azwj will make him achieve eternal success, and whoever listens to the Testament and accepts it, will achieve good in both worlds.' 13 out of 63

14 سد الابواب عن المسجد دون باب على (عليه السلام) CLOSING OF THE DOORS OF THE MOSQUE EXCEPT FOR THE DOOR OF ALI asws 4 ألا انبي كم ببعض أخبارنا قالوا: بلى يابن أمير المو منين. قال: إن رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) لما بنى مسجده بالمدينة وأشرع فيه بابه وأشرع المهاجرون والانصار (أب وابهم) أراد االله عزوجل إبانة محمد وا له الافض لين بالفض يلة فن زل جبري ي ل (علي ه الس لام) ع ن االله تع الى ب ا ن سدوا الابواب عن مسجد رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) قبل أن ينزل بكم العذاب. The Holy Imam Hassan Al Askari asws asked: 'Shall I tell you some of our Hadeeth?' I said: 'Yes, O Son of the Commander of the Faithful asws.' Imam asws related: 'Surely when the Messenger of Allah saww had built the Mosque of Medina, had his door facing the Mosque, and so did the Emigrants and the Helpers had their doors facing the Mosque as well. Allah azwj Willed to Extol the virtues of Muhammad saww and his Family asws, and so Jibraeel as descended from Allah azwj with the Order for them to close their doors to the Mosque before the Punishment descends upon them.' فا ول من بعث إليه رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) يا مره بس د الاب واب العب اس ب ن عب دالمطلب فقال: سمعا وطاعة الله ولرسوله وآان الرسول معاذ بن جبل. The first message for the closing of the door was sent to Abbas Al Muttalib who responded: 'I have heard and obeyed Allah azwj and His Messenger saww ' - to the messenger Ma'az Bin Jabal la. ث م م ر العب اس بفاطم ة (عليه ا الس لام) فرا ه ا قاع دة عل ى بابه ا وق د أقع دت الحس ن والحس ين (عليهما السلام) فقال لها: ما بالك قاع دة انظ روا إليه ا آا نه ا لب وة ب ين ي ديها جرواه ا تظ ن أن رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) يخرج عمه ويدخل اب ن عم ه. فم ر به م رس ول االله (ص لى االله عليه وا له) فق ال له ا: م ا بال ك قاع دة قال ت: أنتظ ر أم ر رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) بس د الابواب. فقال لها: إن االله تع الى أم رهم بس د الاب واب واس تثنى م نهم رس وله إنم ا أن تم نف س رسول االله Then Abbas passed by Fatima asws who was sitting by her asws door along with Hassan asws and Husayn asws. He said to her asws : 'How come you are sitting here like a lioness sits with her cubs in her arms. Are you presuming that the Messenger of Allah saww has thrown out his saww own uncle but will keep the son of his unlce?' The Messenger of Allah saww then passed by them and said to her asws : 'Why are you sitting here?' She asws replied: 'I am waiting for the order 14 out of 63

15 of the Messenger of Allah saww for the closing of the door.' He saww said to her asws Surely Allah azwj has Ordered them to close their doors, but excluded His Messenger saww, and surely you asws are the soul of the Messenger of Allah saww. ثم إن عمر بن الخطاب جاء فقال: إني أحب النظر إلي ك ي ا رس ول االله إذا م ررت إل ى مص لاك فاذن لي في فرجة أنظر إليك منها فقال (صلى االله عليه وا ل ه): ق د أب ي االله عزوج ل ذل ك. ق ال: فمقدار ما أضع عليه وجهي. قال: قد أبى االله ذلك. ق ال: فمق دار م ا أض ع علي ه إح دى عين ي. قال : قد أبى االله ذلك ولو قلت: قدر طرف إبرة لم ا ذن لك والذي نفسي بيده ما أنا أخرجتكم ولا أدخلتهم ولكن االله أدخلهم وأخرجكم. ث م ق ال (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): لا ينبغ ي لاح د ي و من ب االله والي وم الا خ ر أن يبي ت ف ي ه ذا المس جد جنب ا إلا محم د وعل ي وفاطم ة والحس ن والحس ين والمنتجبون من ا لهم الطيبون من أولادهم Then Umar Bin Khattab la passed by and said: 'I love to look at you O Messenger of Allah saww when you Pray, can you give me the permission to keep an opening in my door from which I can look at you?' Prophet saww said: 'Allah azwj does not allow that'. He insisted: 'Just enough for me to keep my face on it.' He saww replied: 'Allah azwj does not Permit that'. Then he said: 'What about a small hole just for my eye:' He saww replied: 'Allah azwj does not allow that either. Even if you were to ask for a hole as small as the needle, you will not be allowed, but by the One in whose Hand is my soul, I have not thrown you out nor have I allowed them asws to be in, but it was Allah azwj who allowed them asws to be in and thrown you out.' Then he saww said: 'It is not permissible for anyone who believes in Allah azwj and the Last Day that he should spend the night in the Mosque whilst in need of obligatory ablution except for Syeda Fatima asws and Hassan asws and Husayn asws and the chosen from among their progeny, the pure from among their children.'. قال (عليه السلام): فا ما المو منون فقد رضوا وس لموا وأم ا المن افقون فاغت اظوا ل ذلك وأنف وا ومشى بعضهم إلى بعض يقولون فيما بينهم : ألا ت رون محم دا لا ي زال يخ ص بالفض اي ل اب ن عمه ليخرجنا منها صفرا واالله لي ن أنفذنا له في حياته لنا بين عليه بعد وفات ه! وجع ل عب داالله ب ن أبي يصغي إلى مقالتهم ويغضب ت ارة ويس كن أخ رى ويق ول له م: إن محم دا (ص لى االله علي ه وا له) لمتا له فاياآم ومكاشفته فان من آاشف المتا له انقلب خاسي ا حس يرا وي نغص علي ه عيش ه وإن الفطن اللبيب من تجرع على الغصة لينتهز الفرصة. فبين اهم آ ذلك إذ طل ع عله يم رج ل من المو منين يقال له زيد بن أرقم فقال لهم: يا أعداء االله أب االله تك ذبون وعل ى رس وله تطعن ون ودين ه تكي دون واالله لاخب رن رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه) بك م. فق ال عب داالله ب ن أب ي والجماعة: واالله لي ن أخبرته بنا لنكذ بنك ولنحلفن له فانه إذا يصد قن ا ث م واالله لنق يمن علي ك من يشهد عليك عنده بما يوجب قتلك أو قطعك أو حدك. said: 'The believers were happy with this and accepted it, but the hypocrites were enraged with this and some of them said to some, among themselves, 'Did you see how Muhammad saww has not diminished the virtues of the son of his uncle and left us out with nothing? By Allah azwj! If we were to He asws 15 out of 63

16 obey him during his saww lifetime, then we will turn against him after his saww death. Abdullah Bin Abi used to listen to their conversations and used to get angry and would control his anger sometimes and used to say to them: 'Surely, Muhammad saww is an obedient worshipper, so beware of opposing him! For whoever opposes an obedient worshipper, his heart would be frustrated and life would become a plague for him. The man of intellect is the one who swallows his anger and waits for the opportunity. A man from the believers, Zayd Bin Arqam said to them: 'O servants of Allah azwj! Are you falsifying Allah azwj, and accusing His Messenger saww and sitting back from His religion? By Allah azwj! I shall inform the Messenger of Allah saww about your state'. Abdullah Bin Abi and his group answered back: 'If you were to do that (to tell it to Prophet saww ) then we will deny you and falsify you in such a way that he saww will agree with us and you will probably end up with an order of execution against you or for the cutting off your limbs or other capital punishment.' قال (عليه السلام): فا تى زيد رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) فا س ر إلي ه م ا آ ان م ن عب داالله بن أبي وأصحابه فا نزل االله عزوجل: (ولا تطع الكافرين) المجاهرين لك يا محم د فيم ا دع وتهم إليه من الايمان باالله والموالاة لك ولاولياي ك والمعاداة لاعداي ك. (والمنافقين) الذين يطيعونك في الظاهر ويخالفونك ف ي الب اطن (ودع أذاه م) بم ا يك ون م نهم م ن الق ول الس ي في ك وف ي ذوي ك (وتوآل على االله) في إتمام أمرك وإقامة حجتك. ف ان الم و من ه و الظ اهر بالحج ة وإن غل ب في الدنيا لان العاقبة له لان غرض المو منين في آدحهم ف ي ال دنيا إنم ا ه و الوص ول إل ى نع يم الابد في الجنة وذلك حاصل لك ولا لك ولاصحابك وشيعتهم. said: 'Zayd Bin Arqam went and related the whole incident to the Messenger of Allah saww about Abdullah Bin Abi and his group. Immediately, Allah azwj sent down the Verse (Do not follow the disbelievers). You have spoken O Muhammad, and invited them to faith in Allah azwj and befriend you saww and your friends and be inimical to your enemies. They obey you whilst in front of you but go against you behind your back, so do not pay attention to their bad words and rely on Allah azwj in all your affairs and present your proofs, for the believer is one who obeys you even though he may be subdued in the world, for he is desirous of the hereafter and its everlasting bounties and this achievement is for your progeny asws, your companions ra and your Shiites. He asws ثم ان رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) لم يلتف ت إل ى م ا بلغ ه ع نهم وأم ر زي دا فق ال ل ه : إن أردت أن لا يصيبك شرهم ولا ينالك مكرهم فقل إذا أصبحت: " أعوذ باالله م ن الش يطان ال رجيم " فان االله يعيذك من شرهم فانهم شياطين يوحي بعضهم إلى بعض زخرف القول غرورا. Then the Messenger of Allah azwj did not pay any attention to what those people had said. He saww ordered Zayd and told him: 'If you do not want to be troubled by their mischief and plots then recite every morning 'I seek refuge with Allah azwj from the Castaway Satan', then immediately Allah azwj will give 16 out of 63

17 ص( asws you refuge from their mischief, for these are Satans who inspire each other with their delusional speech. وإذا أردت أن يو منك بعد ذلك من الغرق والحرق والسرق فق ل إذا أص بحت: " بس م االله م ا ش اء االله لا يصرف السوء إلا االله " بسم االله " ما شاء االله لا يس وق الخي ر إلا االله " بس م االله " م ا ش اء االله ما يكون من نعمة فمن االله " بسم االله " ما شاء االله لا حول ولا قوة إلا باالله العل ي العظ يم " بسم االله " ما شاء االله و صلى االله على محمد وا له الطيبين ". And if you wish to have safety after this from drowning or burning or robbery then say every morning 'In the Name of Allah azwj, Glory be to Allah azwj, no one can dispel evil except Allah azwj, In the Name of Allah azwj, Glory be to Allah azwj there is no giving of good except by Allah azwj, In the Name of Allah azwj Glory be to Allah azwj there is no blessing in the universe except from Allah azwj, In the Name of Allah azwj Glory be to Allah azwj there is no Authority nor Power except by Allah azwj the High the Great, In the Name of Allah azwj Glory be to Allah azwj and salutations of Allah azwj on Muhammad saww and his Infallible Progeny asws '. فان من قالها ثلاثا إذا أصبح أمن من الحرق والغ رق والس رق حت ى يمس ي. وم ن قاله ا ثلاث ا إذا أمسى أمن من الحرق والغرق والسرق حتى يصبح وإن الخضر وإلياس (عليهما السلام) يلتقيان في آل موسم فاذا تفرقا تفرقا عن هذه الكلمات. وإن ذلك شعار شيعتي وبه يمتاز أع داي ي م ن أولياي ي يوم خروج قاي مهم (صلى االله عليه وا له). Whoever recites this three times every morning will be safe from drowning, burning and theft until the evening. Whoever recites this three times in the evening will be safe from drowning, burning and theft till the morning. Surely Khizr as and Ilyas as meet every season, and when they as disperse they as recite these words, and that is the conduct of our Shiites, and through this they will be able to differentiate between their enemies and friends on the day of the appearance of the Rising One ajfj. قال الباقر (عليه السلام): لما أمر العباس بسد الابواب وأذن لعلي (عليه الس لام) ف ي ت رك باب ه جاء العباس وغيره من ا ل محمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) فقالوا: ي ا رس ول االله م ا ب ال عل ي ي دخل ويخرج فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): ذلك إلى االله فسلموا له تعالى حكمه هذا جبري يل جاءني عن االله عزوجل بذلك. ثم أخذه ما آان يا خذه إذا نزل عليه الوحي ثم سرى عنه فق ال: ي ا عباس يا عم رسول االله إن جبري يل يخبرني عن االله ج ل جلال ه أن علي ا ل م يفارق ك ف ي وح دتك وأنسك في وحش تك ف لا تفارق ه ف ي مس جدك ل و رأي ت علي ا وه و يتض ور عل ى ف راش محم د لى االله عليه وا له) واقيا روحه بروحه متعرضا لاعداي ه مستس لما له م أن يقتل وه ش ر قتل ة لعلمت أنه يستحق من محمد الكرامة والتفضيل وم ن االله تع الى التعظ يم والتبجي ل - إن علي ا ق د انفرد عن الخلق ف ي البيتوت ة عل ى ف راش محم د ووقاي ة روح ه بروح ه ف ا فرده االله تع الى دونه م بس لو آ ه ف ي مس جده ل و رأي ت علي ا ي ا ع م رس ول االله وعظ يم منزلت ه عن د رب الع المين وشريف محله عند ملاي كته المقربين وعظيم شا نه في أعل ى علي ين لاس تقللت م ا ت راه ل ه ههن ا. 17 out of 63

18 إياك يا عم رسول االله وأن تجد له في قلبك مكروها فتص ير آا خي ك أب ي له ب فانكم ا ش قيقان. ي ا عم رسول االله لو أبغض عليا أهل الس ماوات والارض ين لاهلكه م االله ببغض ه ول و أحب ه الكف ار أجمعون لاثابهم االله عن محبته بالخاتمة المحمودة با ن يوفقهم للايمان ثم يدخلهم الجنة برحمته.يا عم رسول االله إن شا ن علي عظيم إن حال علي جليل إن وزن علي ثقي ل و م ا وض ع ح ب عل ي ف ي مي زان أح د إلا رج ح عل ى س يي اته ولا وض ع بغض ه ف ي مي زان أح د إلا رج ح عل ى حسناته. The Holy Imam Al Baqir asws said: 'When Abbas received the Order of the closure of the doors and the permission for Ali asws to leave his asws door open, he and other relatives came and said: 'O Messenger saww! How come Ali asws has entered and we have been left out?' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'That is for you to submit to Allah azwj 's Order. Jibraeel as came to me from Allah azwj via this door.' Then he saww was overcome with the condition that was normal during receipt of revelation and when he saww was free from it he saww said: 'O Abbas! O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww! Jibraeel as has informed me saww that do not keep Ali asws (a.s.) away from the Mosque for he is your helper. Had you seen him asws when he asws slept in the bed of Muhammad saww and was fighting against My azwj enemies, as his asws soul is my saww soul and he asws was happy that your saww enemies wanted to kill him asws, now you saww will understand that he asws is deserving of favours and preferential treatment from Muhammad saww and veneration and reverence from Allah azwj. Surely Ali asws was alone from the creation to be on the bed of Muhammad saww and fighting soul for soul, therefore Allah azwj Chose him asws alone for this honour in the mosque. If you could have only seen, O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww! His asws elevated status with the Lord of the Worlds, and honour among the Angels of proximity, and his glory among the high ones. Beware! O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww if you were to keep in your heart any plan like your brother Abu Lahab la since you are two brothers. O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww! If there was hatred of Ali asws among the inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth, Allah azwj would have destroyed them for this hatred of theirs. If all the unbelievers were to love Ali azwj then Allah azwj would give then a good ending, give them faith and enter them all into Paradise by His azwj Mercy. O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww! The glory of Ali asws is great, his asws condition is glorious, his asws weight is heavy. When this love for Ali asws is placed on the scale it will outweigh the sins of the sinner, and if the hatred of Ali asws is placed on the scale it will outweigh the good deeds of any person'. فقال العباس: قد سلمت ورض يت ي ا رس ول االله. فق ال رس ول االله (ص لى االله علي ه وا ل ه): ي ا ع م انظر إلى السماء. فنظر العباس فق ال: م اذا ت رى ي ا عب اس فق ال: أرى شمس ا طالع ة نقي ة م ن سماء صافية جلية. فقال رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له): يا عم رسول االله إن حسن تسليمك لما وهب االله عزوجل لعلي من الفضيلة أحسن من هذه الشمس في ه ذه الس ماء وعظ م برآ ة هذا التسليم عليك أعظم وأآثر من عظم برآة ه ذه الش مس عل ى النب ات والحب وب والثم ار حي ث تنضجها وتنميها وتربيها واعلم أنه قد صافاك بتسليمك لعلي قبيلة من الملاي كة المقربين أآثر عددا من قطر المط ر وورق الش جر ورم ل ع الج وع دد ش عور الحيوان ات وأص ناف النبات ات 18 out of 63

19 وعدد خطى بني ا دم وأنفاسهم وألفاظهم وألحاظهم آل يقولون: اللهم صل على العب اس ع م نبي ك ف ي تس ليمه لنبي ك فض ل أخي ه عل ي. فاحم د االله واش كره فلق د عظ م ربح ك وجل ت رتبت ك ف ي ملكوت السماوات Abbas said: 'I submit to this and am happy with it, O! Messenger of Allah saww. The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Uncle! Look towards the sky.' Abbas looked. He saww said: 'What do you see O Abbas?' He replied: 'I am witnessing a clear sun rising in a clear sky.' The Messenger of Allah saww said: 'O Uncle of the Messenger of Allah saww! Your submission to the love for Ali asws by Allah azwj is better than this Sun in this sky, and the great blessing of this submission is more than the blessings of this sun for the vegetation and fruits which heats them and makes them grow and takes care of them; and know that for your submission to Ali asws a group of Angels of proximity whose number exceeds that of rain drops which fall, and the leaves of the trees, and the grains of sand in the desert, hair of the animals, and the types of vegetation and the number of steps of the children of Adam as and their breaths and their words and their sights are all saying 'Salutations to be on Abbas, the Uncle of the Prophet saww for his acceptance of the virtues of his saww brother Ali asws. I Praise Allah azwj and thank Him azwj for giving you a great status and take it to the Angels of the heavens.'. قوله عزوجل: " بسم االله الرحمن الرحيم " The Words of Allah azwj 'In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful' 5 قال الامام (عليه السلام): " االله " هو الذي يتا له إليه عند الحواي ج والش داي د آ ل مخل وق و عند انقطاع الرجاء من آل من دونه وتقطع الاس باب م ن جمي ع م ن س واه فيق ول: بس م االله ال رحمن ال رحيم أي أس تعين عل ى أم وري آله ا ب االله ال ذي لا تح ق العب ادة إلا ل ه المغي ث إذا استغيث والمجيب إذا دعي. The Holy Imam asws said: 'Allah azwj is He to whom all creation ask for their needs in difficulties after having cut off expectations from all others and having despaired from all others except Him azwj and say 'In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful I seek help in all my affairs from Allah azwj Who is the only One Who has the right to be worshipped, the Helper of those seeking help, and the Respondent to the supplicant.' 6 قال الامام (عليه السلام) وهو م ا ق ال رج ل للص ادق (علي ه الس لام): ي ابن رس ول االله دلن ي على االله ما هو فقد أآثر المجادلون علي وحيروني. فقال له : يا عبداالله هل رآبت سفينة قط قال: بلى. فقال: هل آسرت بك حيث لا س فينة تنجي ك ولا س باحة تغني ك ق ال: بل ى. ق ال: فه ل تعل ق قلب ك هن ا ل ك أن ش يي ا م ن الاش ياء ق ادر عل ى أن يخلص ك م ن ورطت ك ق ال: بل ى. ق ال الصادق (عليه السلام): فذلك الشي هو االله القادر على الانجاء حين لامنجي وعلى الاغاثة حين لا مغيث. 19 out of 63

20 The Holy Imam asws said: 'A person came and said to the Holy Imam Al Sadiq asws : 'O son of the Messenger of Allah saww, Tell me about Allah azwj, What is He? A lot of disputers have got me flustered.' He asws said: 'O servant of Allah azwj! Have you ever sailed in a boat that broke?' He said: 'Yes'. He asws said: 'And there was no other boat to save you nor were you able to swim to the shore?' He said: 'Yes'. He asws said: 'Did ever a thought came to you that there is a power who can save you from this situation?' He said: 'Yes'. He asws said: 'That is Allah azwj Who has Power to salvage one who seeks salvation and Helps the one who seeks help.' 20 out of 63

21 الافتتاح بالتسمية عند آل فعل THE OPENING STATEMENT FOR EVERY ACT 7 وقال الصادق (عليه السلام): ولربما ترك ف ي افتت اح أم ر بع ض ش يعتنا " بس م االله ال رحمن ال رحيم " فيمتحن ه االله بمك روه لينبه ه عل ى ش كر االله تع الى والثن اء علي ه ويمح و عن ه وص مة تقص يره عن د ترآ ه ق ول " بس م االله ال رحمن ال رحيم. لق د دخ ل عب داالله ب ن يحي ى عل ى أمي ر المو منين (عليه السلام) وبين يديه آرسي فا مره بالجلوس فجلس عليه فمال به حتى سقط عل ى رأسه فا وضح عن عظم رأسه وسال الدم فا مر أمير الم و مينن (علي ه الس لام) بم اء فغس ل عن ه ذلك الدم. ثم قال: أدن مني فدنا منه فوضع يده عل ى موض حته وق د آ ان يج د م ن ألمه ا م ا لا صبر له معه ومسح يده عليها وتفل فيها فما هو إلا أن فعل ذلك حتى اندمل وصار آا نه لم يصبه شي قط. The Holy Imam Al Sadiq asws said: 'Sometimes some of our Shiites, before starting anything, forget the reciting of 'In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful', and so Allah azwj involves them in some trouble so that they would be diverted back to thanking Allah azwj and extol His Praise and that He azwj would Forgive the error they committed in the avoidance of 'In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful'. Abdullah Bin Yahya came to the Commander of the Faithful asws and between his asws hands was a chair and he asws asked him to sit on it. As soon as he sat down the chair leaned on one side and he fell off it injuring his head which started bleeding. The Commander of the Faithful asws washed his blood away with some water and then said: 'Come closer to me'. Then he asws rubbed his asws hand on his forehead and miraculously his wound disappeared as if it had never been there. ثم قال أمير المو مينن (عليه السلام): يا عبداالله الحمد الله الذي جع ل تمح يص ذن وب ش يعتنا ف ي ال دنيا بمح نهم لتس لم له م طاع اتهم ويس تحقوا عليه ا ثوابه ا. فق ال عب داالله ب ن يحي ى: ي ا أمي ر المو منين! و إنا لا نجازى بذنوبنا إلا في الدنيا قال: نع م أم ا س معت ق ول رس ول االله (ص لى االله عليه وا له): الدنيا سجن المو من وجنة الكافر يطهر شيعتنا من ذنوبهم في الدنيا بما يبتليهم به من المحن وبما يغفره لهم فان االله إن االله تعالى يقول: (وما أصابكم من مصيبة فبما آسبت أيديكم ويعفو ع ن آثيرحت ى إذا وردوا القيام ة ت و ف رت عل يهم طاع اتهم وعب اداتهم. وان أع داء محمد وأعداءنا يجازيهم على طاعة تكون منهم في الدنيا وإن آان لا وزن لها لانه لا إخ لاص معها حتى إذا وافوا القيامة حملت عليهم ذنوبهم وبغضهم لمحمد (صلى االله عليه وا له) وخيار أصحابه فقذفوا لذلك في النار. Then the Commander of the Faithful asws said: 'O Abdullah! Praise be to Allah azwj Who has Made a method of removing the sins of our Shiites so that their good actions remain with them and they become deserving of reward.' Abdullah Bin Yahya said: 'O Commander of the Faithful asws, we do not get the 21 out of 63

22 punishment for our sins except in this world?' He asws said: 'Yes. Have you not heard the words of the Messenger of Allah saww, 'The world is a prison for the believer and Paradise for the disbeliever? Allah azwj Purifies them by getting them involved in problems so that He may Forgive them thereby. Allah azwj Says, ' And whatever affliction befalls you, it is on account of what your hands have wrought, and (yet) He pardons most (of your faults) [42:30] to the extent until such time as they return on the Day of Judgment so that their good deeds are increased, whilst the enemies of Muhammad saww and our enemies get their reward here in this world, and we asws do not consider it to hold any weight for them as there is no sincerity in their acts, until the Day of Judgment comes up and their hatred for Muhammad saww and his saww Progeny asws will be a burden on them due to which they will be flung into the Fire.' ولقد سمعت محمدا (صلى االله عليه وا له) يقول: إنه آان فيما مضى قبلكم رجلان أحدهما مطيع الله مو من والا خر آافر به مجاهر بعداوة أولياي ه وموالاة أعداي ه ولكل واح د منهم ا مل ك عظ يم في قطر من الارض فمرض الكافر فاشتهى سمكة في غير أوانها لان ذلك الصنف من السمك آان في ذلك الوقت في اللجج حيث لا يقد رعليه فا يسته الاطباء من نفسه وقالوا له : استخلف عل ى ملك ك م ن يق وم ب ه فلس ت با خل د م ن أص حاب القب ور ف ان ش فاءك ف ي ه ذه الس مكة الت ي اشتهيتها ولا س بيل إليه ا. فبع ث االله ملك ا وأم ره أن ي زعج البح ر ب تل ك الس مكة إل ى حي ث يسهل أخذها فاخذت له تلك السمكة فا آلها فبرء من مرضه وبقي في ملكه سنين بعدها I have heard from Muhammad saww that: 'In history there were two people, one of whom was obedient to Allah azwj - a believer while the other was a disbeliever who used to befriend the enemies of Allah azwj and was inimical to the friends of Allah azwj and both of them held a great kingdom in a part of the earth. The disbeliever king fell severely ill and his cure was a rare fish which could not be caught by anyone. The medicine men told him to appoint a successor for himself and he was not expected to live for long since his cure was from a fish and there was no way of getting hold of it. Allah azwj Ordered an Angel to go and transfer the fish to such a place that anyone can catch it easily from there. And so the fish was caught and fed to the king, as a result of which, he recovered from his illness and ruled for a long time after that. ثم ان ذلك المو من مرض في وقت آان ج نس ذل ك الس مك بعين ه لا يف ارق الش طوط الت ي يس هل أخذه منها مثل علة الكافر واشتهى تلك السمكة ووصفها ل ه الاطب اء. فق الوا: ط ب نفس ا فه ذا أوانها تو خذ لك فتا آل منها وتبرأ. فبعث االله ذلك الملك وأمره أن يزعج جنس تلك السمكة آل ه من الشطوط إلى اللجج لي لا يقدر عليه فيو خذ حتى مات المو من من شهوته لعدم دواي ه. But when the believer king got infected with the same illness and needed to have the same type of fish for a cure, the medicine men told him that this type of fish is easy to get hold of so eat it and get healthy. Allah azwj Ordered an Angel to transfer the fish far away in the ocean so that no one can get hold of it. As a consequence of this the believer king died (soon) of his illness. 22 out of 63

23 فعجب من ذلك ملاي كة السماء وأهل ذلك البل د ف ي الارض حت ى آ ادوا يفتن ون لان االله تع الى سهل على الكافر ما لا سبيل إلي ه وعس ر عل ى الم و من م ا آ ان الس بيل إلي ه س هلا. ف ا وحى االله عزوج ل إل ى ملاي ك ة الس ماء وإل ى نب ي ذل ك الزم ان ف ي الارض: إن ي أن ا االله الك ريم المتفض ل القادر لا يضرني ما أعطي ولا ينفعني م ا أمن ع ولا أظل م أح دا مثق ال ذرة فا م ا الك افر فانم ا سهلت له أخذ السمكة في غير أوانها ليكون جزاء على حسنة آان عمله ا إذ آ ان حق ا عل ي أن لا أبطل لاحد حسنة حتى يرد القيامة ولا حسنة في صحيفته ويدخل النار بكفره. ومنع ت العاب د تلك السمكة بعينها لخطيي ة آانت منه أردت تمحيصها عنه بمنع تلك الشهوة إعدام ذلك ال دواء ليا تين ولا ذنب عليه فيدخل الجنة. The Angels of the heavens were astonished and so were the people of the city in the earth as to why did Allah azwj make it easy for the disbeliever that from which he had no way out whilst made it difficult for the believer that which was easy for him. Allah azwj Revealed to the Angels of the heavens and the prophet of the time in the earth: 'I am Allah azwj the Holy, the Powerful, Forgiveness does not affect me little nor does the non-forgiveness would give Me azwj any benefit and I azwj am not unjust in the least. As for the disbeliever that I made easy for him to get hold of the fish which was out of his reach, this was the reward for his good deeds, and it was his right over Me azwj to reward him, but he will return on the Day of Judgment with no good deeds to his credit and will enter the Fire for his disbelief. And for the depriving the believer of the fish was as a result of a sin that he had committed due to his desires, and stopped him from his medicine so that he will come without any sin on his account and enter the Garden.' فقال عبد االله بن يحيى: يا أمير المو منين قد أفدتني وعلمتن ي ف ان رأي ت أن تعرفن ي ذنب ي ال ذي امتحنت به في هذا المجلس حتى لا أعود إلى مثله. قال: ترآك حين جلست أن تقول: " بسم االله ال رحمن ال رحيم " فجع ل االله ذل ك لس هوك عم ا ن دبت إلي ه تمحيص ا بم ا أص ابك. أم ا علم ت أن رسول االله (صلى االله عليه وا له) حدثني عن االله عزوجل أنه قال: آل أمر ذي بال لم يذآر " بسم االله " فيه فهو أبتر. فقلت: بلى با بي أنت وأمي لا أترآها بعدها. قال: إذا تحص ن ب ذلك وتس عد. ثم قال عبداالله بن يحيى: يا أمير المو منين ما تفسير " بس م االله ال رحمن ال رحيم " ق ال: إن العب د إذا أراد أن يقرأ أو يعمل عملا و يقول: بسم االله أي: بهذا الاسم أعمل ه ذا العم ل. فك ل أم ر يعمله يبدأ فيه ب " بسم االله الرحمن الرحيم " فانه يبارك له فيه. Abdullah Bin Yahya said: 'O Commander of the Faithful asws! You have taught me and profited me from this. Can you let me know which of my sins resulted in this problem that occurred to me in this sitting today so that I may not repeat the like of it again?' Imam Ali asws replied: You ignored the saying of 'In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful' before sitting on the chair and so Allah azwj used this to Forgive this error of yours. Don t you know that the Messenger of Allah saww has narrated that Allah azwj Says: Any act which is not begun by saying 'In the Name of Allah' will not reach completion?' The person said: 'Yes, May my father and mother be sacrificed for you asws, I will never ignore this from now.' Imam Ali asws said: 'If you do this then you will be 23 out of 63

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